There is intense concern expressed in many respects about the issue of licensing and certification of companies or individuals active in the field of installation of security systems. The problem lies mainly in the conditions for the issuance of this license, and whether they should be strengthened in order to shield the industry. All employees in Security companies must have a work permit under Law 2518/97. The lack of security licence for many installers has occupied for years, both security experts and consumers, who remain unprotected, as there are no serious structures to shield the security industry.
Today, anyone with computer skills thinks that they know how to “program” a security system, because they understand the software or because they are given this opportunity. But is that enough, or should the criteria by which one is entitled to be an installer be strengthened in order to successfully cope with this difficult and sensitive role? Many industry experts argue that the professional certification of all new entrants should be required, who should have specific qualifications and a license to practice.
The consumer should apply for the specific license to practice, as is the case in other specialties, which in the current situation is not possible, if the necessary conditions have not been created. The beginning of a feat should require the appropriate certificates of knowledge and skills, which, however, because they are not provided by the current education system, it is untimely to request. The important thing to understand is that the installer is a complex specialty, which is supported by knowledge of electrician, electronics, programmer, simultaneously with multiple technical methods related to the construction and cable part of the installation. For this very reason, experts insist on the immediate integration of this type of knowledge in TEI or TEE, as it would improve the quality of services provided and the productivity of the industry.
As in other professions, e.g. doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc., the state has adopted higher provisions for entry into them, so in the field of security there should be corresponding care. In any case, the consumer is ultimately the one who should choose the best among the variety offered by the market, therefore he becomes responsible for the proper research and awareness on the subject.
Current conditions:
To obtain a security license a security system installer must:
(1) Is a Greek citizen or a Greek expatriate or a citizen of an EU member state if for the latter there is no obstacle of public order or safety or health, according to the regime in force in Greece for the citizens of these countries.
(2) Has completed the 18th year of age.
(3) Has not been irrevocably sentenced to any crime for the crimes of disobedience, insults to the state, treason, insults against state power, against the free exercise of civil rights, against sexual freedom and economic exploitation of sexual life, conspiracy, forgery, embezzlement, forgery, infidelity about the Service, breach of the secrecy of telephone and oral conversation, theft, robbery, embezzlement, extortion, fraud, infidelity, bribery and corruption, theft, drugs, smuggling and weapons and explosives.
(4) Has not been irrevocably referred to a felony trial or to any of the above-mentioned offenses or has not been convicted by a mere final decision for any of these offenses. This impediment is valid until an irrevocable acquittal is issued or an irrevocable acquittal is issued.
(5) Has not been dismissed from the Public Service for reasons of discipline related to the offenses of subsection (d), par. 1, art. 2, of Law 2518/97.
(6) Has not been irrevocably sentenced to imprisonment of at least six (6) months for a crime committed with deceit.
(7) He has not at any time been deprived of his civil rights, even if the time set for their deprivation has expired.
(8) Not under judicial protection.
(9) It is not a manufacturer or trader of weapons, ammunition or explosives. (Article 5 of Law 2518/97 establishes a general ban on the possession and carrying of firearms by security personnel, except in the case explicitly referred to in this article as the issuance of a firearms license, in accordance with the provisions in force.)
(10) He does not suffer from any form of mental illness and is not a drug user.