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Official Installer Conference at Divani Caravel

More than 300 security system installers honored us with their presence at the Annual Partners Conference organized by the Atlas Security group, on Sunday, October 8, 2017 at Divani Caravel in Athens.

Atlas Security has entered into large strategic partnerships and upgraded the quality of services it offers, creating for the first time in the Greek market new innovations and major changes in terms of the 24-hour Central Station.

Dynamic "Welcome"

The impetus for the start of the conference was given by Mr. Apodiakos Christos, founder and owner of the Atlas group, who after warmly welcoming and thanking the public and partners, announced the new changes and innovations that are coming for the first time in our country.

“I am very proud of our partners, our products and certainly the new services of the Atlas Security Central Station. “Our goal is, from tomorrow, all of you, our partners, to have such supplies that your work becomes easier and more efficient than ever.” noted characteristically Mr. Apodiakos.

The two big news of the group

The surprises of the day were revealed by Ms. Dimitra Apodiakou, marketing manager of the group, who began her presentation by announcing the big changes implemented by the Atlas Security Signal Reception Center and that will change the data of our industry, as we know it until today.

Ms. Apodiakou spoke about the vision of the group, the continuous development and the priority given to the partners, while she also spoke about the needs of the consumer public that were the inspiration for the creation of the new pioneering services of Atlas Security.

With great pleasure, the new logo of Atlas Security was officially presented, making live revelations of the 3d signal that was hidden on stage and at the same time giving great importance to the symbols that it incorporates.

“After 30 years, we have created a new, modern logo, in order to incorporate everything that characterizes us, everything that we stand for, that we feel proud and that we want to be created in the mind of every person both for us and for you, that we are a family. ” He characteristically mentioned to the associates, emphasizing the most important value of the group, that “together we are strong”.

The highlight, however, was the announcement of the huge strategic partnership with Interamerican, a leading international insurance group based in the Netherlands. Atlas Security and Interamerican, jointly launch the new innovative service “AtlasMed”, offering for the first time in Greece real help in health issues, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. More specifically, the new pioneering service provides medical advice and instructions from specialized doctors of various specialties, as well as medical transport by Interamerican ambulance, in case of emergency.

Mr. Skarmoutsos Giorgos, representative of Interamerican Assistance, spoke about the new cooperation and the innovative AtlasMed Immediate Medical Assistance service, who certified the importance of the benefit that each subscriber will receive from the partnership of the two groups.

The winners of the big prizes

The conference ended with the draws of the big prizes and their awarding to the 10 lucky winners of the day! The gifts related to free annual connections to the Central Station as well as other privileges to the partners.

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